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What NOT TO DO When Your Kids Are Throwing Tantrums

How does it feel when your kid runs all around the house, tossing over everything on his/her way to be cleaned by you? Annoying indeed! When you have a kid throwing tantrums, your level of patience gets tried multiple times for sure. No wonder keeping calm amidst such situations seems the most challenging part of parenting. But then, have you ever give it a thought why your little one behaves in that particular way?

Experts say that there can be countless reasons for children to show crabby behavior. But, the silver lining is that there are certain highly effective tantrum handling strategies that can come to your aid. On that note, we, at Yuvashakti Model School, a renowned school in North West Delhi, have brought forth for you some of the cardinal rules of managing restless kids that will definitely help you manage your tantrum-throwing little ones quickly and easily. 

Say a strict NO to undue shouting or spanking

We all know this, and even then, shouting at the kids when they misbehave seems so normal in the heat of the moment. At Yuvashakti Model School, we believe that yelling at children, even when they are exhibiting a bad temper, can never be a feasible solution for dissipating the situation. In fact, shouting at kids may often result adversely as well. This way, kids often grow all the more inflexible when they see their parents yelling at them all the time, and they thereby start behaving even more inappropriately.

Thus, as parents, you should keep your calm, no matter how impossible it may seem. After all, a war cannot be ceased with another war. Similarly, tantrums cannot be tackled with another set of inflexibilities. Instead of showing your irritation, try to discuss the problem with your child and carry on an age-appropriate conversation to make the kid understand the evils of such behavior. Your resilience and peace might get infused in your child, and eventually, the child might come out of its shell expressing the real problem.

Do NOT helplessly surrender to your kids’ demands

We have come across many parents who often fail to find a feasible solution to calm down a cranky child’s temper and resort to surrendering to their undue demands to tackle the situation. But do you know such acts can only be a source of encouragement for the kids to throw more tantrums in the future! If you do not want your child to turn into a spoiled brat, make sure to handle the early tantrums with promptness.

In our experience of guiding and mentoring the young minds, we, at Yuvashakti Model School, one of the topmost schools in North West Delhi, have noticed that children show indignance and inflexibility when they keep specific issues to themselves.  Dig deeper to know the root of the problem because clearing the branches or the leaves of a tree never guarantees its removal. But through candid discussions and warm behavior, you can easily handle any cranky child.

Do NOT lose your calm, and try ignoring the tantrums

Does your kid start throwing tantrums every time he/she notices you coming with a bowl of cereals for breakfast? There can be two ways of handling such a reaction. You can either make them understand the benefits of consuming cereals or simply ignore their response and proceed with the task of feeding patiently.

While the first one is always a more permanent and effective solution for managing such repercussions, the second option is apt for children who refuse to listen to your words. Most children throw tantrums to catch attention. If you would not pay any mind to their behavior, they will feel discouraged and eventually set aside their idea of behaving improperly.

At Yuvashakti Model School, one of the foremost schools in North West Delhi, we believe that most children react impatiently or rudely only when they have certain unsaid feelings that they have kept to themselves. After all, you never know how the external world impacts these tender minds. As such, you indeed can’t control the surroundings all the time. But, you can always try to turn every negative into a positive to help improve your kid’s mindset. So, instead of succumbing to your child’s temporary reactions, help them overcome the difficulties by assisting in every way possible. Always remember every tantrum signals that your child is in grave need of assistance, and no one but you could be the best support for him.

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